In 2005, Nevada's Senator Harry Reid called for national recognition of asbestos exposure injuries through Asbestos Awareness Day. In the resolution he submitted on February 8, 2005, Sen. Reid spoke of the 10,000 people killed as a result of asbestos exposure each year, the 1.3 million workers for whom asbestos is still a risk each day, and the 30 million pounds of asbestos that is still imported into the US each year.
However, for the families of those killed by asbestos, it's not the big numbers, but the everyday losses than affect them the most. Senator Reid closed his resolution with the following:
Senator Harry Reid "I have received many letters from Nevadans who have family members with asbestos-related diseases. Eleanor Shook, from my home town of Searchlight, NV, lost her husband Chuck to mesothelioma. He had been repeatedly exposed to asbestos while at work. Two months after his diagnosis, he passed away—no cure, no treatment, no reprieve. There is a hole in that family where Chuck once stood.
"I also received a letter from Jack Holmes a former school teacher from Las Vegas, who wrote: 'I am dying. I have malignant mesothelioma ..... I can expect extreme pain and suffering before I die.'
"I also heard from Robert Wright of Henderson, NV, who was exposed to asbestos while serving in the United States Navy. He now suffers from asbestosis.
"These are just a few of the hundreds of citizens of Nevada that are suffering with asbestos-related diseases. Every one of their stories is a tragedy and every one of them could have been prevented with greater awareness and education."
Asbestos Disease Awareness Day
On April 1, 2005, the first Asbestos Disease Awareness Day was held. Thanks to the work of many, including Nevada Senator Harry Reid, asbestos and the injuries it has caused and continues to cause were brought to the consciousness of the American people.
Building & Trades Union Members throughout Nevada. One hundred and fifty thousand Nevada residents are members of unions; many of the building and construction trades union members are at risk of asbestos exposure as a result of their work as electricians, carpenters, engineers, and more. [Read more about Nevada Unions & Asbestos]
Henderson, NV & TIMET
Magnesium and titanium used by the US War Department during WWII and later the aerospace industry defines the history of Henderson, Nevada. [Read more about Henderson, TIMET, and asbestos]
Ely, NV & Kennecott Copper
Once a small stagecoach stop, Ely became much more thanks to copper mines and railroads. Asbestos was used in both railroad and copper smelting operations in and around Ely for decades. [Read more about Ely, Asbestos, & Kennecott]
Nevada Test Site
Once a testing ground for nuclear detonation, it is not surprising that Nevada Test Site has many different types of contamination. [Read more about Nevada Test Site & Asbestos]
Nevada: asbestos exposures at auto, military, and other fields. [Read more about Nevada Auto, Military, & Other Asbestos exposures]